Sunday, March 10, 2013

A for Alligator!

A for Alligator!
In the Alphabet unit we will be starting off our learning by relating letters to animals or objects the students know well. 
To Kick start the lesson we will be learning the structure of the Capital letter A. They will trace the A and then write it on their own each day this week. We will also emphasize the sound of the letter A and will then make a list of all of the things we can think of that start with the letter A starting with the students who's name starts with A.The first letter of a students name is often most important to them so I will be using that fact to reinforce our learning. Finding other words that start with a specific letter will be difficult for them depending on their familiarity with the alphabet. To reinforce the sound of the A words I will be showing a short video clip that shows pictures and the spelling of words that start with A in class. Feel free to watch this at home with them because the more they hear and see it the easier it will get for them. Then they will make these fun Alligator crafts and put them in their alphabet book!

Here is the link to the Video :Words that start with A!

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